Thursday, November 7, 2019


Eco â€Å"Eco-Warriors† is a book that investigates the actions of environmentalists using both historical and philosophical accounts. The author of this book is Rik Scarce a sociologist at Skidmore College and he refers to the several environmental organizations in this book. This paper provides a review of Scarce’s book in the view of the effects that degradation has on the society.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on â€Å"Eco-Warriors† by Rik Scarce specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More â€Å"Eco-Warriors† gives several accounts of how environmental activists act in the course of their spirited defense against the destruction of the earth. In this book’s edition, the author does not add new dimensions to the book but he updated his earlier work on the same topic. The book expounds on the actions of the environmentalists who are not willing to compromise on their philosophy about the ne ed to preserve the environment and the integrity of the ecology. The author hopes to make the actions of the environmental activists who break the law, and are sometimes referred to as domestic terrorists by the government easier to understand. According to the author, it is easy for onlookers to demonize environmental activists but research indicates that their actions are beneficial to the environment. The available evidence shows that ignoring the effects of the environmental degradation could have devastating effects. Therefore, classifying environmental activists as terrorists is unfortunate. It is also evident that the degradation of the environment could continue to put the environmentalists and governments on a collision path. Scarce claims that some of the organizations that continue to berate the environmental activists are responsible for degradation themselves. Consequently, if the uninformed criticisms on environmentalists continue, they will only lead to more degradati on. It is up to the society to understand the role of the environmental activists as well as their actions. This will ensure that the effects of degradation on the society are checked.

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