Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Blood Pattern Analysis Essay

Heinous crimes occur everyday. These have controversially stirred up the public’s interest in forensic science techniques. People are aware of the importance of evidence and how these can substantially affect the investigation process. Forensic science, throughout the years, has been a key component in resolving crimes. Forensic scientists, crime investigators, and police partake in the various duties and responsibilities in crime investigation. There are several departments in a crime laboratory having specialists who take charge of the evidence collected at the crime scene. Through comprehensive analyses of DNA, blood, firearms, drugs, alcohol, and other tools which are done in full crime laboratories, strong evidence for the crime are established empirically. Specific techniques performed by crime investigators and forensic scientists are done with these tools (Bevel & Gardner, 1997). Benecke & Barksdale (2003) argue that forensic science claimed popularity worldwide due to advanced methods employed in criminal cases. These have helped determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Investigation procedures have been trouble-free for police due to the advances in DNA sampling and testing, posing major importance in crime investigation. Blood typing and testing are the main job functions of a forensic serologist, who also analyzes other important body liquids such as semen, saliva, other body fluids and may or may not be involved with DNA typing. At present, blood seems to be the most important component both for medical or forensic purposes. At crime scenes, victims and suspects are easily associated through obtained blood samples and stains. Bloodstain patterns are not only used to show the association of the victim and the assassin; position and movement during the crime can also be illustrated, who struck whom first, in what manner, upon establishment of the necessary information needed to reconstruct the crime scene. Such evidence prove the lack of veracity in defendants’ claims, which are eventually found to be mere alibis or self-proclaimed arguments. Indeed, this is a very effectual and reliable technology in crime investigation (Fisher, 2003). The science of bloodstain pattern analysis applies scientific knowledge from other fields to solve practical problems. Bloodstain pattern analysis draws on biology, chemistry, math, and physics, as scientific disciplines. As long as an analyst follows a scientific process, this applied science can produce strong, solid evidence, making it an effective tool for investigators (Fisher, 2003). Blood is partly alkaline liquid, made up of water, cells, enzymes, proteins, and inorganic substances. It flows throughout the vascular system, transporting nourishment, oxygen, and waste. Plasma is the fluid portion of the blood containing water and serum (which is yellowish and contains white cells and platelets). Red cells are the non-fluid portion of the blood, outnumbering the white cells (Stuart, 2005). Red cells and serum are very crucial elements for the carrying out the work of the forensic scientist. The freshness of the obtained blood sample can be assessed through serum; moreover, antibodies are also carried in it and such are also important in forensic analysis. More tests may be done with wet blood than dried blood; hence, wet blood has more value than a dried sample. Traces of alcohol and drug content can only be tested from a wet blood sample. Within 3-5 minutes of exposure to air, blood starts drying up, changing its color. There are different blood forms, including pools, drops, smears or crust. The height and angle at which the blood sample fell off can be identified by its drop and form. The distances at which the blood fell can be reported through the forensic science of blood spatter analysis. If blood fell from a higher distance, it has more pronounced tendrils fraying off the edges, while a blood smear on the floor indicates the direction of the force of the blow. Splatter tells the direction of the force, as it always moves toward the tail (Geberth, 1996). In 1875, different blood types had been discovered, but it was not until 1901 when Karl Landsteined formalized blood groupings, labeling them as type A (antigen A present, anti-B antibody present, but antigen B absent) and B (antigen B present, antigen A absent), labeled C (both antigens A and B absent), but was relabeled later as O. Then another type of serum was discovered, and this fourth type was labeled AB (both antigens present). The blood type of an individual is greatly affected by his parents’ blood type. Further, Dr. Leon Lattes of Italy, created blood testing for dried blood sample in fabrics (MacDonell, 1993). As early as 1904, Hans Gross of Germany documented and evaluated bloodstain collection. In 1939, geometric principles had been applied to deduce the angles of impact and convergence of the obtained bloodstain. In London, as early as 1514, blood spatter evidence was used in a court trial (Saferstein, 1995). As early as 1925, blood has been discovered and used for criminal investigation. Almost 80 percent of the human population were â€Å"secretors†. An individual carries specific types of antigens, proteins, antibodies, and enzymes characteristic of their blood that are also present in their body tissue and fluids. In the case of a secretor, investigators can tell the blood type by examining other body liquids such as saliva, teardrops, skin tissue, urine, or semen correlating the blood type obtained from the victim to the criminal. From 1951 hence, Dr. Paul Leland Kirk confirmed the effectiveness of bloodstain pattern interpretation in resolving crimes (Bevel & Gardner, 1997). In 1985, DNA technology made blood analysis easier. DNA obtained from blood samples at the crime is analyzed within a shorter period of time, comparing it with the blood profile of an individual. The gender and type of criminal can be assessed by analyzing the blood sample obtained from the crime scene. Aside from presence of blood, the way it landed on surfaces gave rise to a new forensic field, blood pattern analysis, telling experts pertinent details about the murder (Bevel & Gardner, 1997). Blood at the Scene of the Crime Benecke & Barksdale (2003) suggest that blood shedding is a dramatic accessory for the execution of a violent murder. Nearly 9 percent of the weight of a healthy person is blood and if spilled by murderers, it can leave a long trail. As blood is shed off in any volume, clotting makes it difficult to assess. Thus murderers’ attempt to wash off their violent murder often fails because blood traces stick to their clothing and weapons. Blood present at the scene of the crime has lead to the punishment of many killers who initially thought they can get away by removing all their incriminating traces (Benecke & Barksdale, 2003). Blood is very vital in relation to forensic science, from which much information may be obtained. The first task in analyzing stains is to determine whether there is blood and to whom it belongs. Afterwards, stains are examined for age, sex and blood group. The shape and pattern of liquid blood splashes reconstructs the murder scene. Bloody fingerprints and palm prints tell their own story. A single blood trace can provide much information, and analytical techniques are continuously improving through time. Blood dynamics is not only used for narrowing suspicion on the guilty party, but also to prove a suspect’s innocence. Bloodstains are reconstructed, eventually allowing investigators to simulate what transpired in the crime scene (Fisher, 2003). Blood investigation at crime laboratories is studied using two different approaches: the biological approach (serology) and the physical approach (blood splatter or bloodstain pattern analysis). The facts obtained from complex blood investigation form the core of blood evidence. Examination and interpretation of bloodstains on and around the body, and of blood spots, splashes and smears at the scene of the crime, are an essential part of a murder investigation. In addition, the location and the manifestation of blood marks on the body and its immediate surroundings help the investigator reconstruct the crime (Geberth, 1996). Blood is a liquid and hence, the laws of physics can be validly used for interpreting blood spatter. The factors that can help in reconstructing the crime scene include spot size, quantity, shape, distribution, location, angle of impact, and target surface. Correlating these factors can reduce the long and tedious process of investigation. The shape of blood spots and the position of the victim are correlated; blood vertically dropping on a even surface has a circular mark with crenated edges, indicating that the source was in a still position during that particular time. Drops of blood falling from an object in motion collide with a flat surface diagonally leaves an exclamation-mark-like spot. A thorough analysis of the shape of obliquely falling blood splashes indicates the details about speed and impact. This information are suggestive of the position of the victim and murderer, and even the weapons used during the crime. Blood spots lined on the ceiling of a room in violent murder cases, such as when the killer wielded an axe, results to lined blood spots on its ceiling (Klug, 2000). Blood smears and trails on the floor can be from a crawling wounded person or a murderer dragging the lifeless body of the victim. Blood smears become ragged at one of its edges telling the direction of the movement that occurred during the crime. In instances where the blood stain is not evident, tail fingerprints may be obtained. Moreover, invisible blood stains can be detected by doing a luminol test, which shows slight phosphorescent light in the dark where bloodstains (and certain other stains) are present (Geberth, 1996). Colored string is often used at a crime scene to show the path of blood droplets cast off from a knife or object used in a beating. These devices can give investigators a preliminary idea of the location of victim and the perpetrator at the time of the crime. They become even more important in situations where there is more than one perpetrator, where a victim manages to crawl from one location to another, or has been dragged. However, the definitive interpretation of blood patterns comes when the information is analyzed back at the laboratory using computer programs (Crow, et. al, 1996). Young (1989) indicates that blood pattern analysis includes the examination, identification and interpretation of patterns of bloodstains and relating these to the actions which may have transpired during the crime. This analysis plays an important role in reconstructing crime events. The bloodstains obtained are indicative of the type of injuries, the order in which the wounds were received, whose blood is present, type of weapon that caused the injuries, whether the victim was in motion or lying still when the injury was inflicted, whether the victim was moved after the injury was inflicted, and how far the blood drops fell before hitting the surface where they were found. In the 1930s, John Glaister, a Scottish pathologist categorized blood splashes into drops on a horizontal surface; splashes from blood flying through the air and hitting a surface at an angle; and pools around the body, which can show if the body has been dragged (Young, 1989). Bloodstain patterns are a helpful tool for crime scene investigators to understand the integral components of the crime, finding evidence for answering questions about the crime. Through bloodstain pattern analyses, collecting unecessarily excessive blood may be avoided. The shape of the blood drop itself holds significant information. The proportions of the blood drops can tell the needed energy in those dimensions. The shape of the stain can describe the traveling direction and angle at which it struck the surface (Klug, 2000). Before a scientific investigation of a violent crime is concluded, bloodstain pattern analysis is carried out and makes a noteworthy contribution to the investgation process. Bloodstain pattern analysis reconstructs the assassination that occurred, specifically the blood shedding. Because blood is uniform, it behaves accordingly. Moreover, the manner through which blood goes in and out of the victim, how it was splattered around the area of the crime, are also important sources of information for reconstructing what truly happened. Blood spatter analysis is based from the disciplines of physics and mathematics, from which the main concepts of blood pattern analysis are derived (Saferstein, 1995).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What Makes Us Human

Anthropologists say that we are humans because of evolution. The portion of DNA that is responsible for the structure of proteins is 99. 4% common in humans and chimpanzees. Anthropologists say that we are humans because of evolution. The portion of DNA that is responsible for the structure of proteins is 99. 4% common in humans and chimpanzees. The dictionary says that human beings are individuals of the genus Homo, or more specifically, Homo sapiens. That only answers the anthropological aspect of what makes us human.Paul Bae also takes the anthropological stance on humankind saying that â€Å"Changes caused by evolution and time make us human. † When asked what separates humans from animals, he replied saying â€Å"human minds are more developed than animals, allowing humans to be at the top of the food chain. † Psychologists say a distinctive quality in humans is the cognitive process. The cognitive process is a demonstration of the central ability humans possess th at define us. More simply, it is our ability to think and make decisions. The brain plays the most crucial part in the cognitive process.The part of the brain that differentiates the human brain from brains of other species’ is the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex controls senses, thoughts, language and memory. The brain plays the most crucial part in the cognitive process. The part of the brain that differentiates the human brain from brains of other species’ is the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex controls senses, thoughts, language and memory. Aaron Marentette agrees with psychologists and says â€Å"The thing that makes us humans is our ability to make smart choices and just choices in general. When he was asked the question of what difference there is between humans and animals, he responded, saying â€Å"The difference is that we have undergone evolution and therefore, have become more civil. † Finally, sociologists say that the factor that makes humans human is culture. Culture is simply the ideas, abilities, and behaviours people have acquired to become members of society. Culture is always evolving in society and the world and it mainly unique to the human species. Above: Culture plays a huge part in shaping humans.Culture affects how we treat each other and interact. Above: Culture plays a huge part in shaping humans. Culture affects how we treat each other and interact. Below: Culture is specific to humans. Animals indicate SOME aspects of culture but it is ingrained by genetic programming. Humans can change their environment and pass the changes onto their children. Below: Culture is specific to humans. Animals indicate SOME aspects of culture but it is ingrained by genetic programming. Humans can change their environment and pass the changes onto their children.Max Nascimento believes that we are human because â€Å"humans have free will and have the ability to conquer anything we envision. † His thoughts on th e variation between humans and animals are that â€Å"animals walk on four legs, act on instinct, and don’t have a conscience. † All three answers to what makes us human are correct. Evolution made us human through changes in DNA. The cognitive process made us human through our ability to problem solve and think. And finally culture shaped us into the social beings we are. They are all factors that affect humans and differentiate us from any other living species on this planet.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Enlightment

Sydell Mejia Prof. Goulding EN202-21 2/25/10 Importance of Reason The Enlightment age was a very important time period; it started in the eighteen century. This age was also known as the age of reason. Men of this age felt they were â€Å"Enlightened† group. They believed they were coming to their senses, educated men of this time thought that the universe was logical, rational, and reasonable, and this could even out a man's modern passions and actions. They had the beliefs that they had come closer to any other age to figure out how the universe and men worked and how to live more a good life more reasonably. The Enlightenment also challenged many of the former ideas, one of which was ignorance. Orgon in Moliere’s, Tartuffe, exemplifies the idea of ignorance, due to the fact he is ignorant of Tartuffe’s true character. DORINE: â€Å"There was that headache Madame had the day you left. Well, it got really bad. She had a fever†. ORGON: â€Å"And Tartuffe? † DORINE: â€Å"He’s fine- Rosy nose and red cheeked, drinking your wine. † ORGON: â€Å"Poor Man! †(1. 4. 8-14). Although Orgon hears news about his ill wife, he only shows his care towards Tartuffe. He also fails to recognize that Tartuffe is tricking them and is not thinking as reasonably as Cleante is. In Act I, scene 5, Cleante is trying to talk sense into Orgon; he is the voice of reason in this scene. Cleante accuses Orgon of being unable to distinguish hypocrisy and true devotion to the family. He tells Orgon that his love of Tartuffe is unrealistic, and attempts to â€Å"enlighten† him about Tartuffe's true character: Cleante: â€Å"Orgon, listen, You’re out of your mind. / Or you’re mocking me. Or both combined. / How can you speak such nonsense without blinking? † (1. 5. 73-75). Although Cleante knows that Orgon is wrapped around his feelings for Tartuffe. Orgon believes so strongly in Tartuffe's piety and goodness that he is willing to sacrifice the happiness of his daughter, therefore thinking unreasonably and affecting his family negatively, such as making his daughter marry someone she does not want to marry, sacrificing the happiness of his daughter. Dorine is another character that presents reason throughout the play. Dorine, Mariane’s maid, is someone with a low social status and because she is a member of the working class, she is portrayed as ignorant in the family because of her low social status. Although in the play she is of low social status, she is smarter than Orgon and also a lot more reasonable. She is able to point out that Tartuffe is an imposter. Dorine says, â€Å"Now there’s a lie that beats everything. / His pretended reverence for our king! †(5. 7. 25-26). This shows that it does not matter what social class one comes from to determine their level of reason. Dorine is someone from a lower social standing than the family, but yet, is able to socialize and befriend the family she works for. His control affects his family, especially his daughter. In the play, she is to marry to the man she loves, but when Tartuffe enters the picture, Orgon breaks his promise to her fiance, and tells her she has to marry Tartuffe instead. However, Orgon is challenged by his family, who work to prove Tartuffe is a fake. This is a conflict to the power order of society and brings into question the authority of this order, by the end of the play, Tartuffe turns his back on Orgon and tries to arrest him. He brings an officer of the king back to take Orgon. However, while Tartuffe attempts to get Orgon arrested, the king saw through him and reasoned that Tartuffe was the one to be accused and put to trial. In his Narrative, Oluadah Equiano, describes in detail his experiences when he was captured and enslaved. In an attempt to persuade the reader of the Englishmen evil actions, Equiano reveals the hypocrisy of European ideas of enlightenment and the dehumanizing nature of slavery. Equiano Olauduah's autobiography, The Interesting Narrative Life of Equiano Olauduah is a unique and intriguing story which includes vivid and great detailed descriptions of the author's life both as a slave and a free black man. Throughout Equiano's life he encounters many hardships and misery. In the beginning of the narrative, he explains his experience on a slave ship when he was sent away: â€Å"These filled me with astonishment, which was soon converted into terror when I was carried aboard† (38). He explains his amazement of the new advances throughout the ship but also explains the terror of being on the ship and watching the miserable slaves upon the ship. He has come in contact with many people of different races, religion and intelligence. Equiano was a well-rounded intelligent black male which many people admired. Although Equiano purchased his freedom and now considered a free man, he still endured man hardships. Works Cited â€Å"Age of Reason. † History – AllAboutHistory. org. Web. 20 Feb. 2010. http://www. allabouthistory. org/age-of-reason. htm. Moliere. Tartuffe A New Verse Translation (ED. Norton Critical Editions_)_. New York: W. W. Norton, 2007. Print.

Identifying a problem Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Identifying a problem - Assignment Example According to various research based articles that describes qualitative, descriptive as well as longitudinal analysis of obesity problem, the major causes of obesity include heavy smoking, poor eating habits and lack of body weight management strategies (Marchiondo, 2014). A number of statistical information also indicates that obesity is one of the leading disorders resulting into many death cases in many communities in the United States (Weiss, Weisser, & Salario, 2014). This is due to the fact that, one of the major problems affecting older nurses currently is the problem of obesity. Despite this, there are various interventions that can help in reducing the problem among the nurses (Marchiondo, 2014). A number of research studies also indicate that nurse’s proper regular exercise and healthy living lifestyle practices are very effective in controlling, reducing as well as preventing obesity and overweight cases among patients (Marchiondo, 2014). In that sense, those who involve in regular exercise are less likely to be affected by overweight as compared to those who lacked the motivation to involve in regular exercises and healthy living styles (Marchiondo, 2014). It is also important that those who are affected by obesity to involve in proper sleeping habits as well as healthy eating habits reduce the chances of obesity and overweight among them (Newman, 2009). Therefore, this paper will mainly discuss the problem of obesity increase and overweight challenges in various clinical conditions and environments in health care system industry in United States. The paper will also provide various impacts of obesity in relation to patient’s health care safety system. Finally, the paper will discuss a number of solutions that can be used to reduce the problem of obesity among health workers such as nurses in clinical institutions in the United States. The problem of obesity and overweight mainly originates from poor healthy habits resulting

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Heroes in Sports Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Heroes in Sports Articles - Essay Example Secondly, the DiMaggio article was written from the second person point of view, while the Williams article was a narrative. Finally, Joe DiMaggio was shown as a real man that was a reluctant hero, while Ted Williams was shown as a baseball star from a far. These similarities and differences will be compared and contrasted. â€Å"The Silent Season of a Hero† article was about Joe DiMaggio and â€Å"Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu† covered Ted Williams. Their hitting records were discussed, but so was part of their life’s background. An example would be DiMaggio’s marriage to Marilyn Monroe. Williams stint as a military pilot. Both men’s careers in baseball were highlighted. Another similarity in the writing styles in the articles is the telling of a story while relating a message about their hero. These stories are not straight forward biographies. They relate stories, antidotes, and personal impressions of both of these men. â€Å"The Silent Season of a He ro† tells the story of DiMaggio from his position after his career. On the other hand, â€Å"Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu† tells a story of a day at the ballpark with flashes of the past intermixed. Both stories use the flashback technique to get the stories across. Whether talking about DiMaggio’s meeting of second wife, Marilyn Monroe, or the author’s impressions of Ted Williams when he was a kid, both stories used flashback. The final similarity is both authors believed DiMaggio and Williams were heroes. DiMaggio was described as a reluctant hero, especially in his latter years. This type of hero is based on a man that was a baseball great, that had overcomes a hard childhood, and troubled personal life. Williams was described more through hero worship. The article mentioned his baseball career from a far. Both described DiMaggio and Williams as heroes. There were also differences between the articles. â€Å"The Silent Season of a Hero† and did not use imagery and figurative language, but â€Å"Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu† used an excessive amount. In â€Å"The Silent Season of a Hero† the opening is straight forward: IT WAS NOT quite spring, the silent season before the search for salmon, and the old fishermen of San Francisco were either painting their boats or repairing their nets along the pier or sitting in the sun talking quietly among themselves, watching the tourists come and go, and smiling, now, as a pretty girl paused to take their picture. (Updike) While descriptive, this paragraph does not use imagery or figurative language. It is just descriptive. In â€Å"Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu† figurative language is used to describe the eyes of some fans: Two girls, one of them with pert buckteeth and eyes as black as vest buttons, the other with white skin and flesh-colored hair, like an underdeveloped photograph of a redhead, came and sat on my right. On my other side was one of those frowning, chestless young-o ld men who can frequently be seen, often wearing sailor hats, attending ball games alone. (Talese) Also imagery is used describing the ballpark. â€Å"Everything is painted green and seems in curiously sharp focus, like the inside of an old-fashioned peeping-type Easter egg† (Talese). When reading this sentence one can see an Easter egg basket and egg peeping out. These examples are just a few throughout both articles, but both were consistent throughout each respective article. Another difference in the writing styles of the articles is the DiMaggio article was written from the second person point of view, while

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Report market sells product internationally Essay

Report market sells product internationally - Essay Example The report would also include an analysis of the market segments and the beer market in the nation. The report would also showcase the market entry strategies and a specific product mix for the new market and would also include an analysis of the integrated marketing communication and other market strategies for entering the market successfully. Finally a set of plausible recommendations would be prepared that would be framed on the basis of the study conducted in the course of research. The present era of business environment is largely stated by various circles as the age of turbulence and intense competition. The entry of globalisation has made the world turn into a boundary less structure with firms expanding beyond political and geographic boundaries to reach out to new markets. This has also triggered a wave of competition among the organizations to establish their organizations in the market. The present study would deal with the international expansion of a beer company in the UK market. The choice of the market assumes significance considering the presence of a strong demand and favourable future opportunities in the nation. Background According to a report published by Nielsen the total beer industry in UK is valued at 3.48 billion pounds with volumes expected to be around 18.7 million hl. This shows a considerable scope for business in the market. However the market is also characterised by intense levels of competition as the market is dotted with a large number of players with highly established brand image and formidable brand positioning (Nielsen, 2009, p.6). Aim The main aim of this study would be to frame a business report that would try to uncover the business potential of UK as a beer market. The report would try to analyse the business market of the nation and would frame up a market entry plan that would also include formulating a product mix specifically designed for the UK market. The report would also cover the aspect of positioning and integrated marketing communication as well as an entry strategy for the company in the UK market. Scope The business report would analyse the business attractiveness of a new market in the context of the beer market in UK. The report would analyse the appropriateness in choosing the UK market as a destination for investment for foreign market players in the beer industry. Country Information Geographies UK is one of the most developed economies of the world with its importance being that of one of the pioneer nations of the industrial revolution. Geographically the nation is located in Western Europe with a total area of 243,610 square kilometres. The nation has a long coastline in the Atlantic Ocean that serves as its sea link with the USA. London the capital city of the nation is also known as the commercial and financial hubs of the world with

Friday, July 26, 2019

Adaptive Supply Chain Co-Management manual Essay

Adaptive Supply Chain Co-Management manual - Essay Example Collaboration and competition have often been regarded as incompatible concepts especially as evolutionary biology became well-known in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It was presumed that only the fittest can survive if those with the most desirable traits are naturally selected over those that did not possess these ideas. This mentality spilled over into business literature and led to the manifestation of certain laws such as the Sherman and Clayton Anti-trust Acts (Zeiltin, 2007). However, time illustrated that sometimes certain kinds of cooperation and competition did not necessarily have to replace each other as seen through the formation of professional associations, cartels and business groups. Individuals may participate in a cartel in order to enhance the quality of output or their safety; this may also be done for reasons of efficiency. Some forms of collaboration such as the inter-firm network came about due to rising complexities of organisations. However, they took relatively long periods of time before they came to be accepted as cultural norms; a lot of ambiguity exists on the need for collaboration or cooperation; all of it depends in the nature of acceptance in the concerned nation (Zeiltin, 2007). Businesses today have now moved from the anti-trust mindset of yester years; in fact, it is not uncommon to find some form of collaboration between competitors in almost all industries of the economy. New technologies are becoming more complex and require huge capital investment to develop; markets are getting more turbulent, and the time needed to deliver products to the market is also increasing. Additionally, time and geographical boundaries have shrunk thus indicating that operating business internationally is a critical factor. Government policies are not particularly favourable in conducting business and so are other issues within

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Mater and method of the dissetation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Mater and method of the dissetation - Essay Example Table 1 shows a list of some of the elements of the strains isolated and later on used in the study (figure 1). All the required strains were thereafter stored in glycerol broths of 10% at a regulated temperature of about -20oC (Oxoid, UK). The plates of mCCDA were essential in the 48 hour growth of the strains and passed through microaerobic incubation at a temperature of 420C. Before all the pending experiments were conducted, all the available strains were checked to ensure that they were pure. The peptone protective effect in the solution which is diluting combined the maximum Recovery Diluent with the physiological saline osmotic support. The multiplication of organism was highly reduced by the low concentration of peptone at the PH of 7.0 Â ± 0.2 in the diluents for at least one hour during the stage of dilution. (Straka, R. P., & Stokes, J. L. ,1957: Patterson, J. T., &Cassells, J. A. 1963). The recovery of solutions was ensured by the strength of the isotonic nature of the diluents solution from the numerous sources that had been susceptible in aqueous suspensions or in distilled water (oxoida ,UK). The Maximum Recovery Diluent was prepared by adding 4.75 grams of powder to distilled water of 500 millimetre (Oxoid, UK) and was then stirred to dissolve the powder. The solution that was re-suspended got sterilized by use of the autoclaving method at a temperature of 121 0C for approximately 15 minutes. The media was left to cool to 550C temperature before being poured on one of the chicken carcass available. The growth of non-fastidious wide assortment of organisms was supported by a general purpose medium called nutrient agar, and typically contains 0.3% beef extract/extract of yeast 0.5% Peptone 0.5% NaCl 1.5% agar distilled waterpH that was adjusted to the level of neutral at 25 Â °C (Oxido,Uk). The Nutrient broth No 2 (Cm0067) was prepared by adding 10.50 g

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

One Laptop per Child (innovation and creativity) Essay

One Laptop per Child (innovation and creativity) - Essay Example OPLC has reached great height but it still faces white-water rapid situation since it is not easy to get the funding to donate laptops to all needy students in Australia and other areas of the world. It is clear that the program mainly focuses on the higher grades in school while the lower classes do not receive any laptops. It is also not easy to ship the laptops because of cost and there are limitations to the number of schools that receive the laptops (Pearce, 2012). The internal force that may force the OLPC program to change is the software and hardware bugs that affect computers. Various problems face computers including viruses, hacking into the system, and their open source code could easily become a target. The external problem OLPC may face is shortage of funding that is needed to support the large production of these computers. Currently the laptop costs 400 US dollars that is high price since most people in developing countries live on less than a dollar a day. Maintaining the funding needed to support these families to sustain the laptops is a problem that the program may face (Pearce, 2012). The objective and mission of OLPC is geared towards empowering children especially from poor countries to learn by offering laptop to the young learners. This program has transformed the lives of many children in developing countries through strengthening of education standards. It is a way of ensuring that children understand the concept of self-expression and exploring new talents and experiences. Children are inquisitive and eager to learn but some countries do not have the resources necessary to quench their curiosity and therefore, the OLPC XO computer is the key to unlocking their potential. The laptop opens the door to the outside world through learning, studying, browsing, and calculating in various subjects. There is a lot of

Insurance law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words - 1

Insurance law - Research Paper Example al law of contract.2 This essay discusses the relevance of the doctrine of utmost good faith in the face of a fast-changing business environment that requires flexibility and equal commitment from all parties to a contract. In order to achieve this, the author provides a background to the topic, and discusses the application of the doctrine in face of both the insurance and contract laws. Stages of the contract process are then interrogated to seek the different and similar requirements that necessitate application of the doctrine. Further, the views of scholars on the doctrine are explored so as to shed light on the apparent controversy that the doctrine has created among researchers and practitioners. The author remarks that the explored literature does not provide a strong basis to warrant a review of the doctrine. Consequently, its applicability in insurance law should remain as it is, even as more modern provisions of law are sought. The U.K. has some of the oldest, formalized insurance laws governing the insurance sector. The law on insurance has been evolving fast over the last century, with major developments intended to rhyme with the evolving geo-political scenes taking centre stage.3 For instance, the Maritime Insurance Act (1906) has recently been overhauled and the Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act (2012) enacted as the industry’s new regulatory framework in order to respond to a growing significance of previously non-existent industries and harmonize the various provisions of the insurance law.4 While different countries have adopted slightly varying versions of the insurance law, the maritime insurance law appears to follow a close-global script. The general script is largely similar to the UK Marine Insurance Act (1906) whose framework has been widely consulted to create equally competent laws for insurance industries in other jurisdictions.5 Perhaps this apparent similari ty in the way different jurisdictions draft their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Effectiveness of Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Effectiveness of Advertising - Essay Example This research shows that persistent marketing methods can be devastating but without advertising, many people would be out of jobs and many would lack product and service knowledge and opportunities to purchase what they want and need. According to Wikipedia encyclopedia, â€Å"Advertising is the promotion of goods, services, companies and ideas, usually performed by an identified sponsor. Marketers see advertising as part of an overall promotional strategy. (â€Å"Advertising†, 2006). Companies are bombarding us with thousands of different ads with only one intention: to persuade us to buy their products. Every advertiser or company must do more than just make a product, give it an attractive price, and offer it to the consumer. They have to also communicate and promote it to their current and future customers; they have to advertise it. Advertisers appeal to the lusts, desires, and wants of the target market or potential customer. â€Å"Target market is the market segment to which a particular product is marketed. It is often defined by age, gender and/or socio-economic grouping,† states Wikipedia encyclopedia (2006). As previously stated, an increasing number of advertisers, retailers, and wholesalers appeal to the target market’s emotions, lusts, desires, wants, and needs. They want to pull at the heart strings in order to persuade, or get others to believe and create some action. Perhaps some of the best examples of these advertisements use sex to sell everything from beer to necessities such as toothpaste.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Creon and Haemon Essay Example for Free

Creon and Haemon Essay How would you direct the confrontation between Creon and Haemon in order to achieve your chosen impact for your audience? The scene of confrontation between Creon and Haemon comes when Creon has sentenced Antigone, future bride of Haemon, to be shut up in the cave. I would want to show a contrast between the characters with costume, so that the audience would get a visual representation of their emotions. I would dress Creon in an extravagant red silken robe, with gold trimmings. This would highlight his status as King, and also the red could signify a bloodthirsty attitude, as Creon is revelling in Antigones fate. Contrastingly, Haemon would be wearing a simple black cotton robe, without any trimmings. This would show that he doesnt care for superficial extravagance, and black is also a colour of mourning; this would symbolise Haemons feelings towards Antigones fate. In the opening of this scene, Creon greets Haemon pleasantly. I would direct Creon to grip Haemons right hand with both of his own hands, in a friendly, pleading handshake; this would show warmth for Haemon, which is what Creon wishes to express at this point. He would maintain eye contact and stand with legs shoulder-width apart He would speak in a soft tone, with a slow pace, medium pitch and a relatively low volume, again to give the impression of warmth. In the line we are always comrades, and my love for you is unshaken, I would direct the actor playing Creon to emphasise the words always and unshaken, stressing these superlatives, in order to exaggerate the positive feelings, diplomatically Haemons response would be in kind, reciprocating the respect. He would accept the handshake, and keep eye contact. His vocal qualities would be as those of Haemon. He would say I know I am your son, Father, stressing the word Father to show respect and also family love. During this exchange, they would both be very close physically, to show that they are, at this point, still emotionally close. The lighting would be a straw wash from above over the stage, of medium intensity: neutral. Creon would be next to a podium, centre-stage-left. Haemon would be centre stage, and the Chorus would be arranged in a semi-circle around them. During Creons following speech, I would want the audience to witness a change in Creons approach. The first noticeable change in attitude would be when he says Dont be taken in/ Boy. Dont let any woman ensnare you. His tone would become harsher, and lower almost as if speaking in a whisper. He would also grasp Haemon on the word Boy, to show the audience that he wants to instil certain sexist values in Haemon, as it is a subject he feels passionately about. Furthermore, he would almost spit the work woman and emphasise the word ensnare to present acidity to the audience. He would say Dont be taken in, Boy without changing his tone or pace, simply increasing intensity, to show the audience how sincere he is. He would continue in this manner, speaking in harsh tones. The next change in Creons demeanour would come when he says I will do it. And she must die. Here, he would revert to speaking with authority, assertively. He would stress the modal verbs, will and must to show that he is completely fixed upon the idea, and is unwavering. This would show the audience his stubbornness. At this point, low-intensity, subtle red uplighting would have slowly faded in, to cast shadows upon Creons face to make him seem more imposing and venomous. It would be barely noticeable by the audience at this stage, as it would be slowly and subtly introduced. Creon would also step back and stand straight at this point, and pause after the line, to highlight its significance to the audience. He would have his hands calmly by his sides. Creon would continue to rant, his volume increasing, and the red uplighting becoming stronger, as the straw wash slowly faded and his hand gestures becoming increasingly evident and expansive. On the line Anarchy, disobedience, he would be banging his fists on his podium in anger, to show the audience how passionately he feels about the subject. He would be nearly shouting at this point, and Haemon would recoil slightly, in fear and surprise at Creons outburst. Creon would next shift toward the end of his speech, and I would want my audience to see him bring back subtle persuasion, using the fact that he is Haemons father to his advantage: Let it be by a mans hand, eh son? / Not by a conspiracy of women! . I would want him to go back to speaking in lower tones, almost at a stage-whisper level, as he wants to instil his own sexism, and apparent paranoia regarding women, into Haemon yet again. This repetition would show the audience just how sexist Creon is. I would therefore have the actor emphasise the words man son, conspiracy and women to show this, and put one arm around Haemon. The red uplighting would also dim at this point, the straw wash becoming more prominent; this would visually represent the change in tone to the audience. Following the Chorus somewhat neutral response, Haemon would reply by at first speaking pleasantries: Its not for me to say you are wrong is quite self-deprecating and is complimentary to Creon. Haemon would therefore speak it in a soft tone, and would physically lower himself by bending knees and back slightly. His volume would be medium at this point, and he would make no hand gestures. The lighting would remain as a straw wash, all red gone at this point. Haemon would emphasise me and you to underline the fact he is making a direct comparison between himself and Creon. Haemon would change in approach right on the line But I can sometimes hear people whisper. The word but here is a clear discursive marker in the text, indicating a change. Also, Haemon begins to discuss how people see Antigones punishment as unjust. He would thus take a step back is if expecting an outburst from Creon, and emphasise words like people and whisper to show the audience that the character aims to dissociate himself from the views. He would become more pleading as the speech progresses, let me beg you to have second thoughts and I beg you Father. This is again showing he accepts inferiority, but also makes clear to the audience that he is against his fathers actions. The metaphors regarding the failure of stubborn things would be spoken with a degree of accusation regarding Creon; Haemon would look at Creon when saying inflexible and refuses to indicate that there refer to Creon. At the end of the speech he says Take good advice when it is offered. This is a direct question to Creon, and I would have Haemon on one knee, clasping Creons hand at this point, to show his desperation to the audience. In the ensuing stichomythia, I would instruct Creon to increase in volume, pace and raise his voice at the end of each sentence. Also, I would want him to spit phrases like Youre a womans mouthpiece! , whilst shaking his arms, palms clawed and facing up to show rage to the audience. Comparatively, I would instruct Haemon to remain calm, speaking in controlled tones and a steady volume throughout, making few hand gestures. Haemon would instead increase in cold contempt, by sharpening the sound of his vowels at the ends of sentences, and speaking in a low tone, and emphasising certain words. He would emphasise the word demented, but without raising the volume of his voice a great deal. Also, at the end, when Haemon says this disgusting spectacle/ In company with a madman, are welcome to it, I would want him to speak this calmly; without varying his pace. He would say this emphasising disgusting spectacle and madman by raising pitch and volume a little. This would show the audience that he feels contempt toward Creon, but is above just shouting. Creon, on the other hand, would be virtually screaming Bring her out, the bitch, emphasising the word bitch by stressing the harsh vowel sound, and gesturing wildly towards the side entrance, as if indicating from where she should be brought. This would show the audience that Creon has lost his composure, and has lost control of his rage. The lighting would be red uplighting again on Creon only, to cast shadows across his face, whilst a blue gel, to mix with the straw wash, would be coming in from above. Overall, this should all contribute into presenting Haemon into an emotionally controlled, stable character, whereas Creon would appear as quite the opposite; unreasonable, stubborn and emotionally volatile. The objective would be to present the characters as such, to encourage the audience to sympathise with Haemon, even empathise with him; ideally, the audience too would feel frustrated and contemptuous towards Creon.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Performance measurement

Performance measurement Introduction: This report is about operations Management in general and performance measurement in specific, which is broadly a study of an organization’s performance. LYCATEL has been chosen as Model Company in order to measure its performance. This report will focus on studying the different areas of their operations. This repot will also look at the positive or negative impacts of operational decisions taken by the company. This report will positively contribute to highlight some issues which may lead company towards betterment or vice versa. Finally the conclusion will proceed to some recommendations based on our analysis.This report will begin with brief explanation of performance measurement and its related concepts. The next section will introduce the Model Company and description of the problem. Finally the company will be analyzed on the basis of performance measure tools and recommendations will be made. Performance Measurement: Performance measurement can be defined as: a process in which we check or evaluate the company from different angels that how they are performing in their field. If we explore history, organisations have always measured performance in some way through the financial performance that they are making profit or not. However, traditional performance measured, based on cost accounting information; provide little to support companies on their quality journey. They never check the performance of an organisation seen by their customers that how they think about organisation’s performance. According to an article published in PMA Newsletter: â€Å"Evaluating performance is important, but we can not limit the performance measurement to this purpose. If we want to manage for results and manage through measures we should consider the performance measurement not just as a rear-view mirror to evaluate our past performance but as a tool to support decision making process in the organisation day by day.† Now a days in a successful total quality organisation, performance measures by the improvements seen by the customer as well as by the results delivered to other stakeholders, such as the shareholders. In the issue of Perspectives on Performance, Max Moullin recommended his personal definition of performance measurement and explained the aims of it. We would like to contribute to the discussion what he asserted. Here is how Moullin defined performance measurement: â€Å"Performance measurement is evaluating how well organisations are managed and the value they deliver for customers and other stakeholders† â€Å"We are not totally agreed with this definition because the word he used ‘how well’ should be decided after the measurement, we can’t say that the organisation is doing well or not before the measurement.† But as far other concerns it covers the both sides that the performance measurement tells the customer satisfaction and the stakeholders. Obviously if the customers are happy with the products or organisation they will stick with them and organisation will make profit, it’s just the different angle to see the things. Tools for Performance Measurement: When we talk about measuring something the first concept in the mind comes that measurable things should be tangible. So question arises here how we can measure intangible things? Then there should be some tools to measure the performance like if we want to measure the speed we measure in km/hr or if there is some liquid then we measure in litre and length in meters but for organisations we check that how good is their performance. It is really easy to say that in some organisation, some operation is not doing well or its performance is not very good but how we can say that what exactly we mean by these words â€Å"Well† or â€Å"Good†. To justify this we need something to measure the performance of operations in an organisation, some tool to do that. For this we will use Slack’s theory as a tool and measure the performance. His theory is also a best match with our case. In his theory he is using Quality, Speed, Dependability, Flexibility and Cost as tools to measure the performance. And these tools can be used to measure that the organisation is: Gives Doing things Right a Quality advantage Gives Doing things Fast a Speed advantage Gives Doing things On-Time a Dependability advantage Gives Changing what you do a Flexibility advantage Gives Doing things cheaply a Cost advantage The LYCATEL Group In this section a brief introduction is given about LYCATEL which is a dynamic, fast growing alternative provider of telecommunications services for consumers and businesses throughout the world. We will asses their performance in the UK market that how they perform in the market from customer’s point of view. LYCATEL Group covers several countries all over the world but we will check its performance specifically in the UK. The LYCATEL Group offers a broad product portfolio comprising of prepaid telephony solutions including: Carrier to carrier wholesale services Calling cards Residential Indirect Access Services (1xxxx) Mobile services (MVNO) Through a relentless focus on providing high voice quality by partnering with over 70 global telecommunications carriers, the LYCATEL brand serves its growing base of over 2 million customers who want to make low cost international calls. LYCATEL Group’s FUTURE The LYCATEL Group is committed to being the first choice telecommunications provider focused on serving global niche segments that have a need to call internationally whilst managing their monthly budgets through prepaid solutions. Vision To create a world-class telecommunications organisation where their talented people team up with their business partners to continually drive down costs and deliver superior value propositions to their customers. Mission To be the global market leader in the prepaid international calling card business by 2008. To diversify their revenue mix by developing prepaid carrier to carrier wholesale, prepaid residential and prepaid international mobile businesses, accounting for 40% of revenue streams by 2008. To delight their customers by providing low cost, high quality telecommunications services. Performance Key Facts Generates over 700 million minutes of voice calls every month – handling over 1.2 million completed calls daily. Operates a state-of-the-art global network comprising over 2,500 E1s – combining modern VOIP and traditional TDM technology. Employs over 150 talented professionals in the UK, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, France, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium and Portugal. Interconnects with over 70 blue chip telecommunications carriers. Operates though a broad European distribution network of wholesalers providing access to over 300,000 outlets, including own controlled outlets in key locations. Provides customer services through a 24-hour multi-lingual call centre. Brand is recognised and used by over 2 million pan-European consumers. Is the European prepaid calling card market leader with an estimated market share of 25% in the UK, 20% in Holland, 20% in France and growing rapidly in Scandinavia, Italy, Germany, Spain, Austria and Switzerland? Has annualised global revenues in excess of $300 million and on target to achieve global revenues of $500 million in 2006. Calling Cards LYCATEL calling cards enable their customers to make international calls easily and cost effectively. Providing over 100 calling card product brands to the market place including Uni Asia, Uni Tel, Lyca India, Latino Tel, Euro Tel, Africa Tel, They originate over 350 million minutes per month, of which we terminate over 60 million minutes to the Asian Sub-Continent, 70 million minutes to Africa, 20 million minutes to the US, 35 million minutes to Europe and 20 million minutes to the UK per month. The LYCATEL Group produces and distributes 6 million calling cards a month making us one of the biggest European operators in this sector. They achieve this through an extensive network of wholesalers ensuring that their customers can easily purchase cards at over 300,000 retailers across Europe including own controlled outlets in key strategic locations or online through their e-shop at (3) Measuring the Performance of LYCATEL: As we all know that there is a big competition in telecommunication companies now a day in the UK and all over the world. Everyone is trying to give the best to their customers in this competitive market and want to bind the customers with them forever because they know the values have been changed. Now the customer’s satisfaction is a very big issue for the companies in the UK and all over the world. In telecommunication companies if someone needs to contact any one in the company, need any information, or they have any complaints or any sort of matter they have, they go through customer services. So it means customer services play a vital role in these companies and leave a deep impact on the customers as well. That’s why we decided to measure the performance of their (LYCATEL Group) customer services. We gathered views of people about LYCATEL’s customer services and measure them using our tools to get their performance. Now we will try to measure their performance using different tools. No doubt that the facts figures they are showing in their charts are very good and the company is progressing but it is not enough if we compare with their competitors especially in the UK. We will asses their performance using some tools like Quality, Speed, Dependability, Flexibility and Cost. We took review of the people about their customer services in which we will check these certain areas: Quality: One of the main factors in quality measurement is to evaluate the level of complaints. There are many sources to check the customer’s complaints. Different businesses use different strategies in order to get feed back. There have been many companies and websites formed in order to collect the positive negative reviews of the company. We have measured company’s customer services on the basis of customers complaints registered on one of the authentic web source, which is famous to collect customers views. There have been many complaints registered regarding their poor customer services depicted in one of the customer’s view as: View: â€Å"Bought Africa tel lycatel phone card and it gave me 5 minutes to talk yet claiming I had more minutes. I guess they disappeared in the thin air. I then proceeded to call customer service, who do not seem to know what they are talking about, did not answer or help me in any way shape or form, they just wanted me to get off the phone by giving me false information.†(4) In our research we found that customers were not much dissatisfied with the products of the company but with the customer services. A number of complaints were found regarding language barriers especially accent related issues. The customer services don’t seem to be well trained. They have not been equipped with proper information as reflected in the view which clearly shows the communication gap between management and staff. We also found many complaints regarding warrant claims and mean time between failures when measured the performance of customer services. Another person’s view as follows: â€Å" Very bad. Customer service too bad. I have online account with lycatel and I paid through credit card and they took the money and did not credit my account. Trying to contact them but call center could not help me on this. Very bad service.† Speed: Communication is known as a backbone in the field of customer services. LYCATEL’s customer services lacking in the field of communication due to their pronunciation problem as their most of the staff is non English. The consequences of this factor is influencing very negatively on their customer query time. The bad communication leads to misunderstanding, repetition and finally frustration. This does not only results in delaying customer query but also increases the order lead time. View: â€Å"Bought Africa Tel Lycatel phone card and it gave me 5 minutes to talk yet claiming I had more minutes. I guess they disappeared in the thin air. I then proceeded to call customer service, who do not seem to know what they are talking about, did not answer or help me in any way shape or form, they just wanted me to get of the phone by giving me false information.† Dependability: In this regard we would like to share personal experience of one of our colleague’s, who was dealt with many of the customer assistants including their supervisors. He experienced that every person he spoke to was not dependable at all. Every assistant provided different information on a same query but no one could solve it. Finally it was found that information provided by each of the members of the staff did not exist in the policies of the company. The same issue was also reflected in many other views. View: â€Å"Its so annoying when the card tells you have 195 minutes for the call. You make a call for one hour. A couple of hours later you go back and the card tell you have no funds. What happened to the other 2 hours? You call the customer service team (at YOUR expense), am left holding for over 15 minutes only to be told that the computer does not update for 6 hours. You call back again in the morning over 9 hours later only to be told the same thing.† Flexibility: Our research found that LYCATEL is not flexible enough to provide solution for diversity of queries. Very minor issues are discussed with supervisors or transferred to others. This causes dissatisfaction and finally shows inflexibility. The customer assistants are not equipped with the variety of information that’s why they depend on their seniors. View: â€Å"I bought a  £5 card, used it once for about 20mins, (out of an apparent 1000+). And then, despite it still having credit, I could never call a single other number on it again. Needless to say their customer services are the very kind you fear coming across, i.e.: a million miles away, deaf to your concerns and completely unable to do anything to rectify your loss of time, money and whist.† Cost: Minimizing the cost is one of the main objectives of any organization. When companies try to minimize their costs they must consider many factors in order to make decisions. Lyca tell seems to increase cost due to the delay of handling costs. These problems eventually result in dissatisfaction and obviously if one customer is dissatisfied hundred of other are affected due to the word of mouth. Hence labour productivity effects directly on the increasing costs and puts bad impacts on efficiency. View â€Å"I am so frustrated with my attempts and loss of time that I will not buy this card again and will relay my experience to my friends too.† â€Å"There was nothing good in my experience about Lycatel and their calling cards. Open a card without using it, and you will be surprise Lycatels computers will use the card for you. I thought I would have received loads of minutes on the cards but never fulfilled this for me. I therefore do not recommend† Problem Description: Analysis has pointed out a problem in their customer services. Being business doctors it is diagnosed that actually the problem doesn’t exist directly in the customer services but in their operations. The statement we arrived at as diagnosed above is based on our detailed analysis by utilising the performance tool in the early section. Our research has found that the root cause of the problem exists in operations management because that the call centres of LYCATEL’s are based in India which is purely an operations based decision as the service layout is wrongly designed. Due to the cheap labour most of the customer services staff is hired from the mentioned country. LYCATEL deals with millions of customers in the UK market every day. Further more it is found that many other problems link to this decision. Solution/Recommendation: It is recommended that LYCATEL should realize the customers concern and they should change their layout of call centres from India to UK. Our conclusion is based on our detailed analysis where all factors are analysed and we find that in order to improve quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and reduce cost the service layout must be redesigned and call centres should be based in the UK. And British people should be hired. This will not only reduce the customer’s complaints regarding language barriers but also improve quality satisfaction. Properly trained employees with better communication will increase the speed of handling calls which will eventually reduce the cost and also reduce the waiting calls time. LYCATEL’s call centres are basically structured in India due to the cost effectiveness. They have surely seen one side of the picture but have totally ignored the other side. Our calculations show that if one person is dissatisfied it can distract 100s of customers. If LYCATEL satisfies one customer it means he is saving hundreds of customers which is actually cost effectiveness. Another angel of cost reduction can be considered by employing well trained staff who can satisfy three times more customers as compare to less trained staff. As LYCATEL is operating in different parts of the world, We recommend that small scaled call centres should be established for only UK based customers which another way of considering cost effectiveness. Our research has also found that people living in India are not much familiar with the cultural values of the UK, this is also one of the reasons which results communication gaps when dealing with totally different cultural background customers. References: ( 12/03/09 @ 20:30 Max Moullin – Defining performance measurement in Perspectives on Performance Volume 2 (Issue 2 March 2003) ( Date: 14/03/09 @ 14:00 ( 16/03/09 @ 19:45

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Failure Of Baggage Handling Systems Information Technology Essay

The Failure Of Baggage Handling Systems Information Technology Essay From the article it is obvious that the city officials and BAE executives were at loggerheads and blame each other for the failure of the handling systems. BAE president and chief executive, Gene Di Fonso, supports his argument against the Denver city officials by pointing out that frequent alteration of the airport plans, involvement of inexperienced managers (appointed by Denver city officials) and failure to fix electrical flaws had left minimal time for testing out the system; were the major reasons behind baggage handling system failure. On the other hand, city officials blame the BAE for not fixing the software and mechanical problems by the time when the system was to be operational. But as it turns out, neither side is completely denying accusation made by other. So from the article, it is obvious that since neither parties have fulfilled their responsibilities, all the above mentioned factors equally contribute towards failure of the baggage handling systems at Denver Airpor t. To put it into simple words, the DIA project failed because those making key decision underestimated the complexity involved. Failure to recognize the complexity and the risk involved contributed to the project being initiated too late. Æ’Â   What could have been done by all stakeholders to prevent the failure caused by new technology introduction? It is always possible that unprofessional behavior by the city officials or defective equipment and software malfunction is partly to blame for the failure of the baggage handling system. But searching for a scapegoat is far simpler than trying to understand the difficulties faced when trying to develop large-scale projects. The project management team needed to do a better job of planning prior to the start of the project. The major roadblock was the simple fact that the automated baggage system was designed after the airport construction had already begun while it should have been included in the original design of the airport. Lack of communication between DIA airport designers, city officials, the airlines and BAE further caused damage to the project. Before beginning construction all the stakeholders needed to meet so as to put together a formalized plan. While this did not happen, the communication seemed more like a top down approach. Æ’Â   Give one public works (government) project that has similar or different fates since 1995, and draw comparisons. The much recent failure of the DART mission by NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center is an example of a technology project which can be described as a not one with an expected outcome. The DART projects biggest problem was that it only had one shot to test the technology. Complex hardware and software can fail from just one mistake, flaw, or overlooked factor in millions of actions or components. Mishap Investigation Board investigated the mishap and determined its underlying causes based on hardware testing, telemetry data analysis, and numerous simulations. So to compare with DIA project, we can find similarities in most aspects of its failure, like hardware and software malfunction, and testing problems. Æ’Â   What are the general lessons for this case? As with any project, the initial step should be to recognize the situation and then work towards it. Had the project management team and the BAEs executives recognized their lack of knowledge and the complexities they were facing, they could possibly reduced the risk, if not avoid it. It would have been a helpful knowledge to listen to those who did have the necessary prior experience. Stakeholder conflict, as in this case, with poorly defined roles and responsibilities and almost non-existent communication can lead to disastrous project results. From the article it is obvious that the city officials and BAE executives were at loggerheads and blame each other for the failure of the handling systems. BAE president and chief executive, Gene Di Fonso, supports his argument against the Denver city officials by pointing out that frequent alteration of the airport plans, involvement of inexperienced managers (appointed by Denver city officials) and failure to fix electrical flaws had left minimal time for testing out the system; were the major reasons behind baggage handling system failure. On the other hand, city officials blame the BAE for not fixing the software and mechanical problems by the time when the system was to be operational. But as it turns out, neither side is completely denying accusation made by other. So from the article, it is obvious that since neither parties have fulfilled their responsibilities, all the above mentioned factors equally contribute towards failure of the baggage handling systems at Denver Airpor t. To put it into simple words, the DIA project failed because those making key decision underestimated the complexity involved. Failure to recognize the complexity and the risk involved contributed to the project being initiated too late. So to sum it all up, the factors that eventually resulted in the failure of DIA project included poor management, conflicting roles and responsibilities, poor communication, no change control process, inadequate testing processes, stakeholder conflict, probably conflicting priorities, and finally scope creep by which I mean expansion of initial project design. It is always possible that unprofessional behavior by the city officials or defective equipment and software malfunction is partly to blame for the failure of the baggage handling system. But searching for a scapegoat is far simpler than trying to understand the difficulties faced when trying to develop large-scale projects. The project management team needed to do a better job of planning prior to the start of the project. The major roadblock was the simple fact that the automated baggage system was designed after the airport construction had already begun while it should have been included in the original design of the airport. Lack of communication between DIA airport designers, city officials, the airlines and BAE further caused damage to the project. Before beginning construction all the stakeholders needed to meet so as to put together a formalized plan. While this did not happen, the communication seemed more like a top down approach. The much recent failure of the DART mission by NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center is an example of a technology project which can be described as a not one with an expected outcome. The DART projects biggest problem was that it only had one shot to test the technology. Complex hardware and software can fail from just one mistake, flaw, or overlooked factor in millions of actions or components. Mishap Investigation Board investigated the mishap and determined its underlying causes based on hardware testing, telemetry data analysis, and numerous simulations. So to compare with DIA project, we can find similarities in most aspects of its failure, like hardware and software malfunction, and testing problems. As with any project, the initial step should be to recognize the situation and then work towards it. Had the project management team and the BAEs executives recognized their lack of knowledge and the complexities they were facing, they could possibly reduced the risk, if not avoid it. It would have been a helpful knowledge to listen to those who did have the necessary prior experience. Stakeholder conflict, as in this case, with poorly defined roles and responsibilities and almost non-existent communication can lead to disastrous project results. The most essential factor that helps a project succeed is if the scope of the project is well defined from the beginning. The scope of the project, if at all possible, should not be allowed to expand. Scope creep ultimately destroys budgets and leads to over time, thus undermining the support a project has. Automation off course in Denver Melvin Ver Dysfunctional decision making is the poison that kills technology projects and the Denver Airport Baggage System project is a classic example. The DIA case examines the key decisions that set the project on the path to disaster and the forces behind those decisions. What was supposed to be the worlds largest automated airport baggage handling system; became a classic story in how technology projects can go wrong. The airports baggage handling system was a critical component in the plan and by automating baggage handling; DIA was going to ensure faster aircraft turnaround which would have provided a competitive advantage over other airports. Despite the plan being technologically advanced and a possible winner, it rapidly dissolved into chaos due to underestimation of the projects complexity which resulted in extensive problems and eventually an embarrassment for everyone involved. The missteps that were involved along the way included a demonstration of the system to the media which illustrated how the system crushed bags, disgorged content and son on. While it is challenging to manage and carry out a technology project on such a massive scale, all it requires is precision in planning, scheduling and controlling; by managing critical interfaces with all the stakeholders involved. Æ’Â   What factors caused the failure of the baggage handling systems? From the article it is obvious that the city officials and BAE executives were at loggerheads and blamed each other for the failure of the handling systems. BAE chief executive blames the Denver city of frequent alteration of the airport plans, involvement of inexperienced managers and failure to fix electrical flaws resulting in minimal time for testing out the system; for the major reasons behind baggage handling system failure. On the other hand, city officials blame the BAE for not fixing the software and mechanical problems by the time when the system was to be operational. Since neither side is completely denying accusation made by other and have failed to fulfill their responsibilities, all the above mentioned factors equally contribute towards failure of the baggage handling systems at Denver Airport. To put it into simple words, the DIA project failed as it failed to recognize the complexity and the risk involved. Æ’Â   What could have been done by all stakeholders to prevent the failure caused by new technology introduction? Searching for a scapegoat is far simpler than trying to understand the difficulties faced when trying to develop large-scale projects. The project management team needed to do a better job of planning prior to the start of the project. The major roadblock was the simple fact that the automated baggage system was designed after the airport construction had already begun while it should have been included in the original design of the airport. Before beginning construction all the stakeholders needed to meet so as to put together a formalized plan. Lack of communication between DIA airport designers, city officials, the airlines and BAE further caused damage to the project. While this did not happen, the communication seemed more like a top down approach in this case. Æ’Â   Give one public works (government) project that has similar or different fates since 1995, and draw comparisons. The much recent failure of the DART mission by NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center is an example of a technology project that did not end up as expected. The DART projects biggest problem was that it only had one shot to test the technology. Complex hardware and software can fail from just one mistake or flaw. Mishap Investigation Board investigated the mishap and determined its underlying causes based on hardware testing, telemetry data analysis, and numerous simulations. So to compare with DIA project, we can find similarities in most aspects of its failure, like hardware and software malfunction, and along with testing problems. Æ’Â   What are the general lessons for this case? As with any project, the initial step should be to recognize the situation and then work towards it. Had the project management team and the BAEs executives recognized their lack of knowledge and the complexities they were facing, they could possibly reduced the risk, if not avoid it. It would have been a helpful knowledge to listen to those who did have the necessary prior experience. Stakeholder conflict, as in this case, with poorly defined roles and responsibilities and almost non-existent communication can lead to disastrous project results.

Thirty Years From Now :: essays research papers

As I sit here, I wonder what I will become; all I see is pure success like no one has ever seen. My life is full of great and achievable goals that can fulfil my life with happiness. I see myself see myself thirty years from now becoming the most successful person the world has seen. I will have graduated high school and college with 4.0 GPA, majoring in aeronautical engineering while being in the national honors society. I will have made my college possible because of baseball. In doing all of these awesome achievements, I’ll be the best baseball player that has ever played being drafted number one by the Yankees in my freshman year of college. I will have starred at shortstop under Coach Joe Torre. Driving in a record 80 home runs shattering Mark Mcgwires’ record. Later, I will set the record for most golden gloves ever achieved by a major league baseball player. During my career in baseball I will meet a beautiful woman that just became a professional model signing with Nautica. After being married for a few years we will have two kids; while, concluding my career in New York and moving to California. Later I will pursue my career in politics. First running for U.S. senate and representing the Democratic party. After seeing that my life would be fulfilled much better if I could change the world in a more drastic way I will run for president. After all of the harsh campaigning I will when the race and proudly represent our country. When I am educated into the office I will begin with my inauguration address and captivating the country I will leave to get to my new home â€Å"The White House.† I will become the most effective president the county has ever seen. Starting with my most important policy â€Å"Education.† I plan to stress helping out the middle class family with taxes, health insurance, and Medicare. In doing this I plan on looking out for the senior citizens with good retirement funds. I will also encourage peace with the world and strengthening our military. Once I have completed my first term as president I will be elected once again and have an even str onger effect on our country. After resigning and touching the country with my great and inspiring State of the Union address I will pursue my career in aeronautical engineering.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Theseus vs. Oberon in A Midsummer Nights Dream :: A Midsummer Nights Dream

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the course of Shakespeare?s A Midsummer Night?s Dream, the rise of two leaders emerge. Theseus, the leader of Athens and of ?reality?, and Oberon, the leader of the fairies and of ?dreams?. Shakespeare makes it evident that these leaders are two of a completely different nature. As the play progresses it?s clear that Oberon is the better leader of the two.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When dealt with the pressures of being a leader of people, the most essential aspect of this duty is communication. In the play, usually done by speeches, each leader targets a different are of human physiology. In the line, ?I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Quite overcanopied with luscious woodbine,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With sweet musk roses, and with eglantine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There sleeps Titania sometime of the night,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lulled in these flowers with dances and delight.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And there the snake throws her enameled skin,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Weed wide enough to wrap a fairy in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And with the juice of this I'll streak her eyes,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And make her full of hateful fantasies,? (ActII, Sc2. 259-267) Oberon stresses the use of emotion to understand what he is saying. On the other hand, Theseus accentuates the use of logic, best portrayed in this line, ?I never may believe these antique fables, nor these fairy toys...?(ActV, Sc1. 4-5)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another necessary trait of a good leader is courage, in which Theseus has little of. Theseus possesses an ?if-then? complex. Oberon on the other hand reacts without consideration of consequence. This may seem like a weakness to most people, but in the heat of the moment there is no time for decision making but a good leader must act acutely.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pressure – Creative Writing

This was going to be the biggest game of my life. It was the final game to clinch our undefeated season but it was against our archrivals, Nudgee. This game was the decider, as Nudgee was also looking to seal their season undefeated. After preparing mentally in the chapel with some strong words of wisdom from Father Gadd it was then off into the dressing rooms. We started out usual warm up. I tried to make it as if it was just another game, but in the back of my mind it wasn't just a normal game. It was the final game that most of the team would ever play for their school and also it was the first time that any of us had the chance to go through the whole season undefeated. After the warm up it was time to get mentally prepared and psyched up. We had time for the final few minutes that the team had together before stepping onto the battlefield in front of the thousands of chanting supporters who timidly sat and waited. â€Å"TOKIO!† That was the last school war cry leading up to a game that most of us would ever do. We started the long walk to the battlefield where we could see our rival opponents standing sternly linked arm in arm. As intimidating as it looked, I'm sure that we sent shivers down their spines as we walked out to confront them for the toss. Each player firmly grasped their opposite's hand in subtle fury, trying to act like good sports but when it came to the crunch there were no mates in a rugby game. We were both playing to win, to win for ourselves, our team and finally our school. After losing the toss this set us on the back foot with having to start the game off not running our favoured way that we had successfully done in all the previous games. But this was just a minor set back that we just had to deal with. My heart was pumping with adrenalin, like something was inside us just trying to burst out as the last moments went by, before the highly rated side Nudgee kicked off. The crowd was cheering accompanied by drunken old boys behind us when we ran the first ball up into Nudgee's front line racing towards us. All you could hear was the slapping of skins and the crunching noises when vital tackles were made along with team members screaming to organise what was happening. We were on the back foot metres from our try line as the powerful favourites Nudgee pulverized into our burly defensive line. But our already battered and bruised side could only hold them out for so long and gave away a penalty in close range for Nudgee's kicker to put three points on the board. Another set back with us being down three points halfway through the first half. We had to start performing or our dreams would shatter, so with all heads up we took it straight back to Nudgee sacrificing what ever it took to get over that line. We ran and ran and ran but there was nothing we could do to get past that intimidating back line with various over grown Islanders staring deep into our eyes. We bruised the favourites with two penalty conversions which left the score at six to three at the half time point. Sitting as a group listening to our furious coach Rob who accepted nothing but perfection yelling at the top of his lungs, I knew that he expected more from us and at times I thought he would rather be out there playing than coaching. We all had a drink, thinking about the game and no doubt putting together individual scenarios to what was going to happen. Mine was that we would find a weakness in Nudgee's back line and break through it in the dying minutes of the game but the unexpected was about to happen. Both teams started the second half fresh as if it was the start of the game all over again. It was starting to get exceptionally personal. Bodies of desperate players were pounding into each other sacrificing what ever it took to obtain everyone's end of year goal that was a perfect season. Finally after taking desperate measures for our game success, we were awarded a penalty in kicking distance. This was the kick that would put us into a six-point lead and give us some breathing ground. Thankfully, I was successful in doing so. But then inner rage possessed our five eight which resulted in him being in the sinbin for ten minutes. I was moved from half back to five eight to replace him. A member of the 3rd XV was subbed on to play half back. I hadn't played much of this position that year but I knew what I was doing from previous experience. I was lucky I knew every move back to front and could do it from any position but playing here put me under a lot of pressure, as it was a key position in the back line. I put all negatives beside me and carried on with the game. I was doing fine and missed putting my outside centre through a gap by the skin of his teeth. But then something happened that would haunt me. Right on the half way line I was thrown a slow pass from the freshly subbed halfback. As I was watching the ball, all I could hear was the loud furious breathing of the Nudgee back line running at me with my life flashing before my eyes so I took my eye off the ball and looked at them which caused me to drop the ball and a Nudgee inside centre had a free run from half way score a try under the posts. My head dropped. I felt like I had failed the team because of a stupid mistake. Standing under the post for an unmissable conversion in front, all I could see was a heart broken team. Some of us tried to stay positive but for the majority it was almost over. The score was 10-9 to Nudgee with about three minutes to go. We had three minutes to get a point that would satisfy our whole schoolboy rugby career. It was possible. After battling with the victory thirsty team, it was hard but we wanted it more. I could see it in everyone's eyes. We were awarded a penalty on the half way line and had no choice but to have a shot or it was the end of the game. I took my usual steps and struck the ball as hard as I could. The kick was right on target and I cried out in victory, but the ball fell short into the hands of the opposition who failed to kick the ball out. Desperately trying to break through with no time left in the game, the Nudgee defence was too keen and was caught offside about 35metres out. It felt like God gave me a lifeline. As I placed the ball on the tee, my hands were shaking. The result of the game rested in my hands. I took a deep breath and pretended it was a kick that I had done thousands of times. After I struck the sweet spot of the ball I didn't look up from the ground, but from the gigantic roar I heard from the crowd I knew what had happened.

Physiological Psychology and Ocd Essay

Physiological Psychology is as expound by Kalat (1998) as the deliberate of the physiological, evolutionary, and developmental mechanisms of behavior and experience. It is devoted to the study of superstar engageing, how Neurons and Glia convey messages to one early(a) and other separate of the body for it to liaison and work accordingly. Future studies of physiological psychological science leave alone help predict behavioral patterns in conjunction and how mindset functions quite a little be rewritten through cognitive therapies .e.g. alcoholism, dose addictions.Kalat (1998) further goes onto explain that a biological psychologist (physiological psychologist) try to answer quadruple types of questions almost any given behaviour, how it relates to the physiology of the drumhead (what parts of the straits are active) and other organs, how it develops at heart the individual, how did the capacity for this behaviour evolve and why did this behaviour evolve.Without t he physiological sagaciousness of how witticism process work in coition to behaviour it is difficult to correctly key out a behaviour pattern and its cause.Kalat (1998) describes that having a little anxiety stool be useful, besides OCD is a full term in which there is excessive anxiety.OCD mountain be explained to a patient in simple physiological terms explaining the behaviour of the wittiness, for exampleOCD patients often convey a broken mechanism (being a synapse interaction) in their disposition that would commonly stop a intellection once you concur it. In an OCD patient it does not (stop the thought) so the thought is allowed to revolve. This seems in description that it would sound to a greater extent like a broken phonograph recording than OCD sincerely does, alone that isnt what really happens.OCD can be genetic but is most veritablely physiological in nature. Without an understanding of heading functioning and how these neurons interact, how can psyc hologists work to alleviate the symptoms of the disorder? search into the biological causes and effects of OCD has revealed a association between OCD and insufficient levels of the thought chemical, serotonin. serotonin is one of the brains chemical messengers that circularize signals between brain cubicles. serotonin plays a role in the mandate of mood, aggression, impulse view, sleep, appetite, body temperature and pain. For example persons with unregulated serotonin lead to destructive antisocial behaviour patterns, which society commonly experiences on a growing scale. each(prenominal) of the medicines utilise to treat OCD raise the levels of serotonin getable to transmit messages. Without physiological psychological question into the effects that these medicines espouse on the brain society would lack the knowledge and understanding of how to diagnose and take overly treat disorders such as OCD.Modern brain visualize techniques have allowed queryers to study th e practise of item areas of the brain. much(prenominal) studies have shown that people with OCD have to a greater extent than usual exercise in three areas of the brain. These areThe caudate nucleus, specialised brain cells in the radical ganglia, set deep in the centre of the brain this area of the brain acts as a filter for thoughts coming in from other areas. The caudate nucleus is also considered to be important in managing habitual and repetitive behaviours.When OCD is successfully treated with medicines or therapy, the drill in this area of the brain usually decreases. This shows that both drugs and a falsify in thinking can alter the strong-arm functioning of the brain.The anterior orbital cerebral cortex, dictated in the front area of the brain the level of act in the prefrontal orbital cortex is trustd to affect appropriate social behaviour. Lowered activity or damage in this constituent is connect to step uninhibited, making bad judgments and feeling a lack ofguilt. More activity may therefore cause more worry about social concerns. Such concerns include being meticulous, neat and listless with cleanliness, and being afraid of acting inappropriately. All of these concerns are symptoms of OCD.The cingulate gyrus, in the centre of the brainthe cingulate gyrus is believed to contribute the emotional rejoinder to obsessive thoughts. This area of the brain tells you to make out compulsions to relieve anxiety. This region is highly interlink to the prefrontal orbital cortex and the basal ganglia via a number of brain cell pathways. The basal ganglia, the prefrontal orbital cortex and the cingulate gyrus all have umteen brain cells affected by serotonin. Researchers believe that medicines that raise the levels of serotonin available to transmit messages may change the level of activity in these areas of the brain. Kalat (1998) offers the idea that drugs intended to control anxiety alter activity at amygdale synapses. One of the amyg dalas briny excitatory neuromodulators is CCK (cholecystokinin), which increases anxiety, and the main inhibitory transmitter is GABA, which inhibits anxiety.Without physiological research into the how and why of brain function, people with disorders such as OCD would not be able to function normally within society. However this type of research and study is not limited honest too diagnosing disorders in those with pretend behavioural problems but also allows sixth sense into society as a hale and its interaction socially, emotionally and habitually. New and advanced(a) studies through physiological research have shown that cognitive behavioural therapy can change activity in certain areas of the brain. The uncovering could have important clinical implications on how talk therapies improve brain function and advance mental health.Researchers discovered large changes in activity in certain regions of the brain can be produced with as little as four weeks of workaday therapy in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder as published in the journal molecular Psychiatry. The study is exciting because it tells us more about how cognitive-behavioural therapy works for OCD and shows that both rugged clinical improvements and changes in brain activity occur afterwards only four weeks of intensifier handling, said Saxena.Past studies utilise functional brain imaging studies of patients with OCD have demonstrated that elevated activity on the frontal-sub cortical circuits of the brain decreases in receipt to treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) medications or cognitive-behavioural therapy. However, clinical improvement of OCD symptoms was expected to lead up to 12 weeks of behavioural therapy or medication treatment, the standard treatments for OCD. Only a handful of studies have looked at how therapy affects brain function, and all previous studies had examined changes over some(prenominal) months of treatment. Continual studies into phy siological psychology will enhance clinical practises and provide a platform for more effective treatment of the symptoms related to this disorder.Saxena and colleagues at the David Geffen School of practice of medicine at UCLA made two new(a) discoveries in their study of 10 OCD patients and 12 control subjects. First of all, we discovered square changes in brain activity alone as the result of four weeks of intensive cognitive-behavioural therapy, said Saxena. Secondly, these changes were different than those seen in outgoing studies after a standard 12-week remediation approach using SRI medications or periodic behavioural therapy. The researchers obtained positron emission imagery ( dearie) scans of the ten OCD patients both before and after they received four weeks of a therapy know as exposure and response prevention, which little by little desensitizes patients to things that provoke obsession fears or worries. However, the PET scans in this study also showed a signi ficant increase in activity in an area of the brain called the sort out dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, a region involved in reappraisal and suppression of negative emotions. Increasing activity in this region corresponded to the OCD patients improvement in clinical symptoms after the four-week course of intensive therapy. It is feasible to see the huge amount of tuition that physiological research has bought forth to society through just these examples alone.Physiological psychology is the study of the physiological basis of how we think, connecting the bodily operation of the brain with what we actually guess and do. It is thus concerned with brain cells, brain structures and components, brain chemistry, and how all this leads to speech and action. pull ahead research as to how growing debilitate disorders such as OCD could be eliminated or drastically reduced in badness has weight in its importance. The research however does not stop with OCD diagnosis but has pertine nt importance to understand how we take in information in oecumenical from our five senses.Future studies based on OCD research could be more relevant than we think to other major issues veneering society such as depression, drug addiction and mental health.It is imperative for presidency bodies to fund education and research into the study of physiological psychology for this very reason.ReferencesKalat 1998 biological Psychologymolecular(a) Psychiatry Molecular Psychiatry 14, 197-205 (February 2009) doi10.1038/